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Facility Rentals

Conveniently located on the U.S. border and 1.ManBet手机客户端距离蒙特利尔5小时车程,是举办夏令营或活动的理想地点. 我们宽敞的场地和广泛的设施可以容纳运动队, conferences or small groups in a quiet, bilingual environment. 我们还根据需要提供餐饮服务和过夜住宿.

Stanstead At a Glance

List of 3 items.

  • Our Location

    • Located in Stanstead, Quebec这是一个位于魁北克东南部的小镇,人口约3000人
    • 1.5 hours from Montreal
    • A five-minute walk to the United States border
  • Our Facilities

    • 四套设备齐全的双人和单人住宅-第五套住宅将于2022年9月开放
    • Dining hall with delicious, healthy options
    • A spacious multi-purpose centre
    • Assembly hall for drama, music, presenters
    • Full indoor hockey arena with conference rooms
    • Hockey training centre with artificial ice
    • Two gymnasiums with locker facilities
    • Three fitness centres
    • Two squash courts
    • Two tennis courts
    • 室外篮球场、室外溜冰场(冬季)和沙滩排球场
    • Six playing fields
    • Art rooms with pottery studio
    • Health centre 
  • Support Staff

    我们的营地工作人员将与您一起满足您的所有需求,并确保您的营地或活动顺利进行. 我们孜孜不倦的场地和家政人员使ManBet手机客户端成为任何场合最好的设施之一. 

Contact Us

Marisol Calva
Telephone: (819) 876-7891, ext. 246
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